Raising Awareness

Raising awareness: Creating awareness about tuberculosis (TB) is crucial for combating the disease and reducing its impact on individuals and communities. These are the few strategies that C4TEF is cognizant for raising awareness about Tuberculosis:

1. Education Campaigns: Developed educational (Information, Education and Communication) materials such as brochures, posters, and online resources that provide information about TB, including its causes, symptoms, transmission, prevention, and treatment options. These materials will be available in multiple languages and accessible to diverse populations, currently it is available in English and Kannada language.

2. Community Outreach: Facilitating discussions on TB in group meetings, meeting the community individually, organizing community events, workshops, and seminars to educate people about TB. Partner with local private healthcare providers, community organizations viz. self-help groups, schools, and religious institutions to reach a wider audience. Mobilizing Communities to actively participate in TB prevention and control efforts.

3. Stigma Reduction: Address the stigma associated with TB by promoting understanding and empathy towards individuals affected by the disease. Share personal stories of TB survivors to humanize the issue and challenge misconceptions.

4. Targeted Campaigns for Vulnerable population: Tailor awareness campaigns to specific populations that are at higher risk of TB, such as people living with HIV/AIDS, prisoners, migrants, and marginalized communities. Address social determinants of health that contribute to TB disparities, such as poverty, overcrowded living conditions, and limited access to healthcare.

5. Promote Prevention Measures: Emphasizing the importance of infection control measures, such as proper ventilation, cough etiquette, and the use of face masks, to prevent the spread of TB in healthcare settings and the community.

6. Encourage Testing and Treatment: Encouraging individuals who are experiencing TB symptoms or have been in close contact with someone diagnosed with TB to seek testing and treatment promptly. Highlight the availability of free or low-cost TB services and the importance of completing the full course of treatment to prevent drug resistance and recurrence.

By implementing these strategies and engaging multiple stakeholders, C4TEF is able to raise awareness about TB, reduce stigma, promote early detection and treatment, and ultimately work towards eliminating TB as a global health threat.


C4TEF team commemorating World TB Day with TB infected and affected people by distributing Nutrition packets to the TB positive at UFWC (Urban Family Welfare Center, Bangalore)  

C4TEF Message to TB positive  – Stay positive and believe in your strength. You’re not alone in this fight.”